
We believe in sharing open-source

We believe that when structures and rules become too prescriptive they can lose their impact and relevance.

A common process guides each user through each phase. The process is both versatile and agile, providing a more robust shared language suited to the complex and dynamic working environment of the RMI sector.

Each phase represents a paid consideration to acquire an independent opinion of an appropriate specialist for either the diagnosis, proposal, preparation or the delivery of the project. This removes the conflicts of interest that occur when speculating for a contract.

These open-ended categories lend themselves with equal relevance to both large and small-scale projects. A fractal approach, whereby the same categories are used repeatedly throughout a project as it is broken into smaller sub-projects. This provides a simple mental model which does not need to be written down to be understood.

The approach values and supports the individual’s personal and professional development.

For the team the process provided a clear career pathway, tracking a practitioner from apprentice to consultant.