For talks and workshops see…
Peer to peer on site training, structured tuition and open format learning.
March workshop: Bristol Hemp Lime
Energy-retrofitting the traditional thermal envelope. Preparation, mixing and casting Hemp Lime onto existing masonry.
A three-day weekend of Hemp Lime training.
When: Friday 11th, Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th March
Where: Bristol
Cost: £120 – £80 – Free (Booking opening soon)
Event details and booking information
January talk: Miscanthus & Lime
More information to follow shortly
December drinks: Pre-Christmas gathering
Just for fun, we’re meeting up in the pub come along and say hello.
When: Thursday, 10th December
Where: Portcullis, Clifton, Bristol BS8 4LE
Cost: Free (Booking closed)
August workshop: Mitigating moisture
Damp – mitigating moisture.
Taking apart the hidden history of repeated damp remediation, the relationship between people, internal weather and the thermal envelope, how observation and investigation can rule out misdiagnosis of rising and penetrating damp. Black mould, white salts and tannin stains.
When: Saturday, 15th August. 12-5pm
Where: 14 Richmond Road, Montpelier, Bristol BS6 5EN [Map]
Cost: Free (Booking essential)
Event details and booking information
July workshop: Strategic insulating
Thermal envelope – strategic insulating.
More than insulation, thermal inertia and hygroscopicity. Tackling cold spots to remove discord and create harmony. Double and secondary glazing, solid and suspended floors, lofts and voids. Internal IWI, external EWI and solid wall insulation SWI.
When: Saturday, 18th July. 12-5pm
Where: 14 Richmond Road, Montpelier, Bristol BS6 5EN [Map]
Cost: Free (Booking closed)
CAT: June materials unit
Hemp lime casting to existing masonry
When: Thursday 18th – Friday 19th June
Where: CAT WISE, Machynlleth, Wales
Cost: Available through CAT GSE and short courses
June workshop: Successful draught-proofing
Internal weather – successful draught-proofing
Wind sucks, it’s not blown. Cross ventilation stratification and convection. Tackle the large holes to exposes the small, if it’s not universal it won’t work. Expanding foam filler, vinyl draught strip and polycarbonate secondary glazing.
When: Saturday 13th June 12-5pm
Where: 14 Richmond Road, Montpelier, Bristol BS6 5EN [Map]
Cost: Free (Booking closed)
May workshop: Informed occupant behaviour
People – informed occupancy
The most inefficient thing in a house is the occupant. Opening windows, closing door, drawing curtains, operating radiators, turning things down and turning things off. Much of our energy and damp problems could be solved by learning how to operate our homes more efficiently and effectively.
When: Saturday 16th May 12-5pm
Where: 14 Richmond Road, Montpelier, Bristol BS6 5EN [Map]
Cost: Free (Booking closed)
Workshop: Hemp Lime
Casting to existing masonry.
When: Sunday, 7th July. 12-5pm
Where: Easton, Bristol
Cost: Free (Booking essential)
Event details and comments
Demonstration: Green Roofs
As part of National Gardening Week the rooftop vegetable garden will be open to the public and include a workshop on how to build your own green roof.
When: Saturday 18th April 10-4pm
Where: 14 Richmond Road, Montpelier, Bristol BS6 5QB
Cost: Free (Booking Closed)
April talk: Neighbourhood Construction
Home improvement board game. Informed occupant behaviour, successful draught-proofing, strategic insulating and mitigated damp remediation.
When: Thursday 23rd April 7-9pm
Where: Portcullis, Clifton, Bristol BS8 4LE
Cost: Free (Booking closed)
Workshop: Hemp Lime
Energy retrofitting for the traditional thermal envelope. Preparation, mixing and casting Hemp Lime onto existing masonry.
When: Friday 19th April
Where: Bath
Cost: Nominal (Booking essential)
Demonstration: Hemp Lime
Energy retrofitting for the traditional thermal envelope. Preparation, mixing and casting Hemp Lime onto existing masonry.
When: Friday 6th March 12-2pm
Where: Bristol
Cost: Free (Closed)
March talk: Bristol Green Roofs
Mapping the city’s green roof strategy in 2015, creating opportunities for pollinators and how to build your own green roof.
When: Thursday 26th February 7-9pm
Where: Portcullis, Clifton, Bristol BS8 4LE
Cost: Free (Closed)
Event details and watch again (Video)
February talk: Bristol Hemp Lime
Energy retrofitting for the traditional thermal envelope. Preparation, mixing and casting Hemp Lime onto existing masonry.
When: Thursday 5th March 7-9pm
Where: Portcullis, Clifton, Bristol BS8 4LE
Cost: Free (Closed)
Event details and watch again (Video)
January talk: Energy retrofitting
Why it doesn’t work and why it causes damp, hygrothermal passive heat recovery and architectural detailing.
When: Thursday 22nd January 7-9pm
Where: Portcullis, Clifton, Bristol BS8 4LE
Cost: Free (Closed)
Event details and watch again (Video)
SPAB – Hemp Lime workshop
Energy retrofitting for the traditional thermal envelope. Preparation, mixing and casting Hemp Lime infilling traditional timber frames. CPD and demonstration for Scholars & Fellows of the Society for the protection of accent Buildings.
When: Wednesday 15th October 1-5pm
When: Tuesday 11th November 9-1pm
Where: Blewberry, Oxfordshire OX11 9PD
Cost: Nominal
Bath Green Homes
Demonstration Q&A – Architectural detailing, understanding the purpose behind the decorative façade. Using traditional and natural materials for energy conservation and damp remediation.
When: Saturday 27th – Sunday 28th September
Where: Edenhall, Bath.
Cost: Free
Bath Home Improvement Fair
Speaker – Architectural detailing, understanding the purpose behind the decorative façade. Using traditional and natural materials for energy conservation and damp remediation.
When: Sunday 14th September 12-4pm. Talk 1-130pm.
Where: The Guildhall, Bath
Cost: Free
Building Limes Forum
Delegate – Annual conference
When: Friday 5th – Sunday 7th September
Where: Bath & Wells
Cost: See event details
Southdown Show
Demonstration Q&A – Hemp Lime: preparation, mixing and casting for monolith wall construction, existing masonry and infilling traditional timber frames.
When: Saturday 23rd – Monday 25th August
Where: Queen Elizabeth Country Park, Hampshire
Cost: Nominal
Self-builder training
Hemp Lime: preparation, mixing and casting for monolith wall construction.
When: Monday 11th – Sunday 17th August
Where: Elgin, Moray, Scotland
Cost: Private booking, volunteer opportunities
Hemp and Lime: moisture buffering in renovation
Speaker – Resolving damp problems using hygroscopic capacity, velocity and polarity.
When: Thursday 10th July, 1 pm – 530pm
Where: The University of Bath, Claverton Down, Bath
Cost: See event details
STBA & SPAB Technical Panel
Delegate – Sustainable traditional building alliance and the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings energy efficiency research update
When: Tuesday 17th June
Where: London
Cost: See event details
Hemp Lime: Open homes
An opportunity to view the Hemp Lime case studies and meet the householders that undertook the work.
When: Saturday 24th – Sunday 25th May, 10 am – 5 pm
Where: Easton, Montpelier and Bishopston
Cost: Free
The damp Victorian terrace, built on a budget, what went wrong and what made it worse? How a century of bad practice put right in a couple of weekends.
Every home has Cold spots under repeated attacked from the internal weather, reduce storms and tackling the more manageable project in isolation.
The steamy Hygroscopic bathroom, more than breathable, capacity counts, rapidly responding in layers, the wallpaper’s not for decoration.
The open plan Emancipated kitchen, reeking havoc in every home, enter the Bi-folding doors and the reveals expose a concentration of moisture.
Hemp and Lime: Casting for performance
Workshop – We’ll be mixing and applying Hemp and Lime internal wall insulation, a no cost, low-cost damp remediation project: Emancipated Kitchen
When: Sunday 24th May
Where: Claremont Road, Bishopston, Bristol
Cost: Nominal
Hemp and Lime: Plastering for perfection
Workshop – We’ll be applying a Baumit KG30 top coat Lime plaster to Hemp and Lime internal wall insulation, a no cost, low-cost damp remediation project: Cold spots
When: Saturday 24th May, 10-2pm
Where: Upper Cheltenham Place, Montpelier, Bristol
Cost: Nominal
Hemp and Lime: Preparation, mixing & application
Workshop – Graduate school of the environment
When: Wednesday 14 – Sunday 18 May
Where: CAT WISE, Machynlleth, Wales
Cost: Privat booking
Hemp and Lime: Plastering for beginners
Workshop – Applying Baumit RK38 base coat Lime plaster to Hemp and Lime internal wall insulation, a no cost, low-cost damp remediation project: Cold spots.
When: Saturday 3rd May, 10-2pm
Where: Upper Cheltenham Place, Montpelier, Bristol
Cost: Nominal
International Hemp Building Symposium
Speaker – Hemp and Lime: Hygroscopic Reservoirs
When: Wednesday 9th – Thursday 10th April
Where: CAT WISE, Machynlleth, Wales
Cost: See event details
Hemp and Lime: Internal Wall Insulation
When: Wednesday 2nd April, 7-9pm
Where: Portcullis, Clifton, Bristol BS8 4LE
Cost: Free
Hemp and Lime: Mixing Masterclass
When: Saturday 29th April, 10 am – 2 pm
Where: 14 Richmond Road, Montpelier, Bristol BS6 5EN
Cost: Free
AECB – Knowledge-led Refurbishment
When: Wednesday 22nd January, 7-9pm
Where: Portcullis, Clifton, Bristol BS8 4LE
Cost: Free
Bathford Energy Group
Workshop – Home Improvement: Draught proofing & Internal Weather
When: Sunday 20th October 2013
Where: Bathford, Bath
Bristol Green Doors
Talks and workshop – Open event 2013
Hertalan EPDM
Speaker – Green roofs seminar 2013
Bath Green Homes – 2013 open homes
Bath Green Homes – 2012 open homes
Bath Green Homes – 2012 green roofing talk
Bristol Green Doors – 2011 open homes
For up-coming events see…