Simon James Lewis

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Energy and Damp

Impartial consultancy, advice and support. This journey of guided discovery focuses on achieving positive results with no-cost and low-cost behaviour strategies, simple interventions and projects to manage energy, moisture and indoor air quality in your home.

As a consultant, designer, specifier, project manager and craftsman Simon James Lewis has over 30 years of experience working in Heritage, Renovation, Maintenance and Improvement. “An impartial opinion saves you money, more often preventing unnecessary costly works.”  

Advice and consultancy
Damp pathology, building principles, design critique, project planning and team building.

Site visit

Appointment time: 4 hours* Cost: £480*   Working together we’ll empower you with the understanding and confidence to make informed decisions about your own home.
  • We’ll look at any symptoms or issues of immediate concern raised in your enquiry.
  • We’ll discuss your short, medium and long-term aspirations for the property.
  • We’ll consider the broader context of energy and moisture in the home.
  • We’ll develop an understanding of how your house performs and how best it can be improved.
  • We’ll talk through how we can best support you with the design, scope and delivery of your project.
Following the visit – We’ll reflect, then re-group to review and critique the understanding as well as to exchange and develop any new thoughts and ideas. Ongoing support can be provided by the hour. Drop us a line, we’ll give you a call.



Cost: on application. Thourally documenting observations and advice can be seen as an unnecessary expense when working directly with the householder. However, when there are multiple stakeholders or a client is unable to attend a site meeting a comprehensive report can be produced.  Please find these examples.

Drop us a line, we’ll give you a call.


* Cost is given as a normative example, appointment times can vary according to the agreed scope, travel and accommodation costs may also apply. This can be discussed and agreed prior to engagement.



Site map

Hygrothermal passive heat recovery, solves damp problems with the secondary effect of improving the thermal efficiency of older buildings.

The damp Victorian terrace, built on a budget, what went wrong and what made it worse? How a century of bad practice put right in a couple of weekends.

The steamy Hygroscopic bathroom, more than breathable, capacity counts, rapidly responding in layers, the wallpaper’s not for decoration.

The open plan Emancipated kitchen, wreaking havoc in every home, enter the Bi-folding doors and the reveals expose a concentration of moisture.

Every home has Cold spots under repeated attack from internal weather, reducing storms and tackling more manageable projects in isolation.




January talk:
Energy retrofitting
Why it doesn’t work and why it causes damp.

March talk:
Bristol Hemp Lime
Casting hemp lime onto existing masonry.

See all talks and workshops

Hemp Lime projects