Research: – Exciting results – February 2019
When: Friday 1st February 2019, 7 – 9 pm
Where: The Portcullis, 3 Wellington Terrace, Bristol BS8 4LE
Cost: Free event
Energy retrofitting – monitoring and evaluation
Dr Nick Banks – Senior Development Manager
Centre for Sustainable Energy
Plant-based insulation materials – the future
Dr Judith Thornton – BEACON – Institute of Biological, Environmental & Rural Sciences (IBERS)
Aberystwyth University
Research and results – bio-aggregate retrofitting to existing masonry
Steven Cole – MSc student, Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT)
Aberystwyth University Visiting Researcher
This sociable informative evening will be interspersed with conversation and the opportunity to meet others undertaking successful home improvements.
The Portcullis is a historic public house, built into a raised Georgian pavement near the Clifton Suspension Bridge. You’ll find us upstairs, the event-space is friendly and intimate, but with limited capacity.
We’ll look at the issue of retrofitting insulation from a variety of angles.
There is a plethora of insulation materials available, many with dubious environmental claims. How many of these products do we actually need and how can we choose between them?
We’ll look at some results from measuring heat flux across bio-aggregate insulations. Evidence of outcome is crucial to the uptake of measures, and to realising improvements in thermal comfort and affordability. But how do we measure improvements against a backdrop of enormous variability between households?
We organise our events using Meetup, it’s quick and easy to use, you can stay in control of how you’d like to be engaged. We purchase an annual subscription to host the Neighbourhood Construction Meetup group so you don’t have to. Meetup doesn’t share your information with us.
Further information
Assessing risks in insulating retrofits using Hygrothermal software tools. Heat and moisture transport in internally insulated stone walls.
I can well believe the resulting assembly has a beneficial sanitary effect on the internal environment.
Joseph Little
Measuring heat flux in-situ. Determining the impact of varying mixes, ratios and densities on u-value, and their implications for best practice and performance.
Insulating solid-wall houses using plant-based materials
Dr Judith Thornton
Removing the Smögåsbord of cement render and vinyl paint to reveal brickwork eaten away by condensation trapped in the wall.
Insulating my cold damp house
Sarah Jones-Morris
Casting bio-aggregate wall insulation to existing masonry – undertaking specialist training, a practitioner perspective.
Process – protocols and principles
David Copeland
Early adopters looking for a more sympathetic approach to insulating our heritage housing stock with support from Joseph Little Dublin Institute Technology and Bristol City Council Principle Historic Environment Officer.
A warm and cosy family home
Jess Walker
Early prototyping, testing transient hygrothermal performance analysis with extremes of moisture. Research requires double-loop learning and real-world collaboration.
How I found myself papering the bathroom
Nic Price
Poor ‘workmanship’ scapegoats poor science, poor design and poor process…
Unsuccessful external insulating schemes – Disastrous Preston retrofit scheme remains unresolved – Passive house
It’s a long story…
Short stories…
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